Player Responsibilities
- All fees due at the clubhouse before your first match.
- $25 fee to participate.
- Players responsible for checking their schedule on the website and arriving in advance of their match.
- If a player is 15 minutes late for their scheduled match, the match will be forfeit.
- Staff will be collecting scores throughout your matches to keep the live scoring up to date.
Scheduling Notes
- Confirmed schedule to be posted by 10pm the night before the next day of matches.
- Players are responsible for contacting the club or tournament organizers if there are any issues with scheduling.
Events and Rules
Tournament will include:
- Men's Singles
- 16 player bracket
- Best 2 of 3 sets, regular ad
- Men's Doubles
- 16 team bracket
- Best 2 of 3 sets, 3D Scoring
- 3rd set, 10 point super tiebreak
- Women's Singles
- 8 player bracket
- 8 game super set, regular ad
- 7 point tiebreak at 7-7
- Women's Doubles
- Round Robin
- 8 game super set, 3D Scoring
- 7 point tiebreak at 7-7
- Mixed Doubles
- 8 team bracket
- Best 2 of 3 sets, 3D Scoring
- 3rd set, 10 point super tiebreak
There will be a consolation round for all first round losers playing in brackets. All consolation round matches will be 8 game super-set with 7 point tiebreak at 7-7. Doubles consolation matches will use 3D scoring.
3D Scoring Defined
Doubles matches will use 3D scoring. This is a cross between regular ad scoring, and no-ad scoring. Teams will play regular ad for the first 3 deuces of the game, and then play a no-ad point on their 4th deuce. The receiving player will decide to which side to receive the serve.
Lunch and Snacks
Snacks will be provided throughout the tournament.
Lunch will be provided on Saturday at 12 pm. All players welcome to attend.
Events and Entries
Brett Hoyles
Colin Martin
Damon Pitts
Dan Wade
Darroch Jones
Dennis Hoyles
Isaac Batten
Jared Stokes
Jerry Hoyles
Kody Harnum
Kumar Mohanrajan
Matthew Huxter
Sam Henderson
Terry Duffett
Thomas Hawkins
Wei Li
Damon Pitts / Wei Li
Dan Wade / Kody Harnum
Dustin Cole / Mark Spurrell
Jane Henderson / Gary Hollett
Jared Stokes / Thomas Hawkins
Jerry Hoyles / Dennis Hoyles
Kumar Mohanrajan / Sam Henderson
Luke Batten / Isaac Batten
Matthew Huxter / Darroch Jones
Terry Duffett / Brett Hoyles
Jacinta Melvin
Jane Henderson
Laura Bryant
Reanna St. Croix
Sheila Tucker
Jane Henderson / Jacinta Melvin
Laura Bryant / Joanne Earle
Sara Hawkins / Reanna St. Croix
Jacinta Melvin / Kody Harnum
Jane Henderson / Gary Hollett
Joanne Earle / Darroch Jones
Laura Bryant / Damon Pitts
Maria Cole / Dustin Cole
Reanna St. Croix / Isaac Batten
Sara Hawkins / Thomas Hawkins
Shelia Tucker / Sam Henderson